Friday, August 14, 2009


Dear Shaquille O'Neal

Radioshack will soon change its name to 'The Shack'. I can't be certain why they think this is a good idea, unless they just want to bewilder their patrons. But you know, 'Radio' isn't a cool buzz word or anything, so you know, make it more extreme. What will they think of next?

I see this as an opportunity for you to become a spokesperson. I feel like the ads write themselves. The shot opens with you (Shaq) with your back to the camera, perusing a number of fine electronics items sold at the Shack. You are wearing your basketball Jersey and you are sweaty. An employee walks over and hands you a towel. You turn to face the camera and say "after a long day of hooping, I just have to go to the Shack." Then you give a thumbs up to the camera as you buy an iPod and a 1/8' to 1/4 adapter for your home stereo.

Carpe Diem, Shaq. That next Fu-Schnickens record won't bankroll itself.

Your pal,

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